Monday, May 24, 2010

Belted Plaid Tops

Plaids are definitely in now, and there are some really cute plaid tops! Belts are also seeming to increase in fashion, now worn on tops a lot. Long belted plaid tops are a great choice, as they are very trendy and modest. Some belts are very thin and others are wide and chunky, it really depends on what look you want, but either way is very stylish, and would look great paired with a long pair of earrings or a necklace! Here are some very cute tops from JCPenney, the first one with a wide belt, and the second with a thin belt:|50456&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=8&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50455|50456|51750

First Post!

I would like to give some fashion ideas, this blog is on modest fashion. Clothes can still be stylish but modest at the same time! So I'd like to post some good ideas, tips, and different trends that are modest and still fashionable! How you dress says a lot about you, and your style is part of your personality and who you are, so it is important to dress with grace, there's more to style then clothes, how you carry yourself and how you act is all part of it. But upcoming, I hope to be sharing lots of ideas on clothes and other things, so keep checking!